
Gil Castro
Rex Padayhag
Rob Uytingco
Ron Songco
Sally Jati

[about Starry Eyed Cadet…]
サンフランシスコ在住の男女5人組インディー・ポップ・バンドStarry Eyed Cadet(スターリー・アイド・カデット)。
2015年2月10日に自主制作のEP『Starry Eyed Cadet』をリリース以降、 シンガポールのインディー・ポップ・バンドPleasantryとのスプリット・カセットのリリース、世界最大級のインディー・ポップ・フェスNYC POPFESTに出演を果たすなど勢力的に活動中。

待望の1stフル・アルバム『Places We Don’t Belong』はFastcutよりリリースが決定!

The Pains Of Being Pure At HeartやCamera Obscura、全盛期のSarah Recordsを彷彿とさせるキュートでレトロなインディー・ポップに、90sシューゲイズ・バンドの美しいフィードバックギターをシュガーコーティングしたドリーミーなサウンドは現行インディー・ポップ・ファンだけではなく60’sガールズ・ポップ・ファン〜90’sギターポップ・ファンにまで届く内容となっています。

まさにThe Pains Of Being Pure At Heartを彷彿とさせる男女ツインボーカルの疾走ギターポップ・ナンバー「M1. Worlds Collide」に始まり、Velocity Girlをキラキラのフィードバックギターでシュガーコーティングしたようなシューゲイズ・ポップ「M3. On The Run」、紅一点SallyのボーカルがThe Sundaysのように透き通る「M6. My Furry Friend」、Bell and Sebastian〜Camera Obscuraのようにレトロでスウィートな「M8. Sugar」など、60’sガールズ・ポップ〜80’sネオアコ〜90’sシューゲイズ〜現行インディー・ポップを取り込み、極上のメロディとドリーミー なサウンドでアップデートした珠玉の9曲入り。

Inspired by Sarah Record’s heyday with a touch of the shoegazing bliss of Creation and 4AD Records, Starry Eyed Cadet formed in San Francisco in the Spring of 2013. This Bay Area quintet is a mix of members from various backgrounds, from such established bands as Marine Life (Elefant Records) and The Parties (Rainbow Quartz), to Jazz and Brazilian Pop.

Having been long time friends and fellow indie music lovers, it wasn’t until an impromptu jam session on an uneventful Sunday evening that brought the band together. Even though they identify themselves mostly as indie pop, the band’s main intention is for every member to freely write and compose, regardless of any influence or style. With all band members as active songwriters and composers, they describe themselves as “all over the place” but remain glued together by everyone’s similar sound sensibilities.

In 2014, they released their first demo single ‘On The Run’ on Bandcamp, which fortunately found its way to the ears of Roque Ruiz of Cloudberry Records, as well as played on Scotland’s “Alan’s Midweek Madhouse” and college radio KDVS in Sacramento, California, where it was well received. They eventually completed their debut self­titled EP in late 2014, where it caught the attention of Maz Hadid of NYC Popfest, and landed a spot on NYC Popfest 2015 lineup opening for indie pop legend and one of the band’s initial inspirations, Club 8. A very special moment indeed for the band as they were proud to be part of such a prestigious music festival that features the best in new and classic indie pop.

After their performance at NYC Popfest, the band was introduced to Fastcut Records by fellow NYC Popfest performer and soon­to­be label mate Wallflower from Japan. Starry Eyed Cadet is to release their debut LP “Places We Don’t Belong” in the summer of 2016.

FCRD-060 “Places We Don’t Belong” (2016) [detail]


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