New day and New me
Interview: Four Pens 四枝筆樂團 “One Day”

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  • pens33

    “― 「明天的自己」は、僕たちが決めなければならない選択、選択できるようになる自分になることについて書きました。それは『PM 11:59』のちょうど1分後、深夜0時に迎える新しい日、新しい自分についての歌なんだ。”

    Interview & Translation by Naoki Morikawa (Fastcut Records)

    ― いつ、どのようにしてFour Pens(フォー・ペンズ)は結成されたの?同じ大学に通っていたのかな?

    メンバー全員が国立台湾芸術大学に在学中に、音楽サークル(ギタークラブ)で出会ったんだ。僕らは一緒に遊びに出かけたり、学校の行事に参加したりしていたんだ。Four Pensを結成する前に、Biboは沢山の曲を書いていて、もっと音楽の幅を広げていこうと思っていたので、2011年5月に他のメンバーを見つけたんだ。芸大の在学中から現在にいたるまで僕らはずっと良い仲間です。

    ― Biboが作曲を手掛けているそうですね。いつあなたはオリジナル曲を書きはじめたのかな?また音楽のルーツについて教えてください。

    BiboはFour Pensのソングライターです。彼は小説や映画からのインスピレーションを自分の人生に投影して作曲しています。10代の頃にギターをはじめて、その頃からいくつかのオリジナル曲を作っていました。


    ― Four Pensの音楽はフォーキーで穏やかで、時に切なく、悲しいです。あなたたちがインスパイアされたアーティストはいますか?またバンドが基本としていることは何でしょう?

    Four Pensの音楽はBiboの創作をベースにしています。Biboはアイスランドのof Monsters and Menや日本のクラムボンやtoe、roth bart baronがお気に入りです。それらの音楽が持つパワフルさとエネルギーに惹かれています。SunnyやCandaceは台湾のCheer ChenやWaa Weiのような温かい歌声のシンガーを好んで聴いています。それらのシンガーからはピースフルさや滑らかさを感じれ取れます。Four Pensはそんな2つのスタイルを融合させようとしています。寂しい曲に聴こえるかもしれませんが、曲の終わりには太陽があり、Four Pensの曲によって聴く人の気持ちをハッピーにすることを一番大切にしています。

    ― 各メンバーの自己紹介をお願いします。

    Candade: 長い髪の女の子。時々スポーティーで、時々もの静か。フレンドリーだけど人見知り。歌うことが大好き。
    Bibo: 日焼けしたサニーボーイ。バスケットとスイミングが好き。
    Sunny: ショートヘアの女の子。ハッピーな時、すごいいい笑顔になります。散歩が大好き。

    ― 2014年の2月にあなたたちは京都、大阪、そして東京でライブをしました。日本のツアーはどうでしたか?日本で見つけたお気に入りのことはありましたか?




    ― あなたたちのフォトグラファーの、Puzzleman Leungは沢山の美しい写真を撮影しています。彼について少し教えてください。

    Puzzleman LeungはCandaceとSunnyの大学の先輩なんだ。最初にコラボレーションした時は、僕らはお互いによく知らなかったんだけど、今になっては、僕らはフォトグラファーとモデルの関係を越えて、親友になっています。彼はとても静かだけど、内面はユーモラスです。作品においては、とても真面目で、彼の視点はとても深いと思います。彼は今、他のデザイナーと一緒に「From Pluto Studio」というデザインチームを運営しています。2人はとても才能があるので、彼らと関わることはとても楽しいことなんだ。

    ― 台湾の若者は音楽や、アート、写真などにとても敏感のように思います。あなたたちが音楽をクリエイトする時、台北に住んでいる事は刺激的ですか?台北は音楽をするのに最高の場所ですか?



    ― 日本リリースされるCD『One Day』は2つのEP『AM 6:57』と『PM 11:59』の収録曲、そして美しい「明天的自己 (New day and New me)」を収録しています。『AM 6:57』は2012年にリリースされたもので、それは無垢さや喜びを感じさせます。『PM 11:59』は2013年にリリースされたもので、それは深い悲しみを感じさせます。そして「明天的自己 (New day and New me)」はその両方の感情を持っているように聴こえます。これらの作品について振り返ってどう思っていますか?


    『AM 6:57』はみんなが早起きして、仕事に行く時間。だけど何故6:57に特定したのか?というとメンバー3人の生まれた3つの月を早朝のシンボルになるように並べてみたんだ。

    『PM 11:59』は一日を終え、人々が眠る時間。また人々が深く物事を考えたりする時間でもあります。僕らの音楽が夜に生じる辛い思いなどに、寄り添えるようにありたいと思いました。それとFour Pensは2011年の5月9日に結成されました。それを並べると、1159になるんだ。11:59をタイトルに決めたのはすごい偶然の話でした。

    ぼくらの最初の録音が『AM 6:57』だったんだ。僕らは不慣れで、友達や上級生に色々相談しました。
    『PM 11:59』は2度目の録音だったので、スムーズに録音ができて、より高いクオリティになったと思っています。
    「New day and New me(明天的自己)」は『PM 11:59』を録音中に書きました。
    それは『PM 11:59』のちょうど1分後、深夜0時に迎える新しい日、新しい自分についての歌なんだ。だから僕らはこの曲をボーナストラックとして『One Day』に収録しました。

    僕らは日本盤CD『One Day』に2つのEPを新しいミックスと新しいヴァージョンで収録しました。アレンジも台湾盤と異なっているんだ。

    ― 今後のスケジュールについて教えてください。アルバムを作っていますか?それと日本のWallflowerがFour PensとManic Sheepと台北でライブをすると聞きました。共演するWallflowerについてはどう思いますか?



    ― 台北でお気に入りのフードや場所、バンドがいたら是非教えてください。

    もし台湾に来る事があるなら、Biboが働いている “好初早餐”をオススメします。もちろん夜市には沢山の台湾フードや沢山の娯楽があります。歩いて、食べて楽しめるはず。

    僕らは沢山の展覧会、ライブハウス、コーヒーショップがある “華山”によく行きます。そこでいつも楽しく過ごしています。もしあなたがレコードショップに行きたいなら、White Wabbit Recordsをオススメします。そこはインディー音楽の有名なショップです。たくさんの台湾のインディー音楽を知ることができるでしょう。“海邊的卡夫卡(海辺のカフカ)”は1976というバンドのリーダーが設立したコーヒーショップで、台北のアートにとって重要な場所です。そこでは沢山のライブショーも行われています。

    僕らは台北の沢山のバンドが好きです。例えば、 「1976」「Easy」「Hush!」「Wan Fu (旺福)」「Come on! Bay Bay!」「Skip Skip Ben Ben」「Manic Sheep」「Tizzy Bac」「Green! Eyes」「2HRs」「Mary see the future」など…多過ぎて全部は語れません。もし興味があれば、どのバンドも素晴らしいので台北のライブハウスへ観に行ってほしい!

    ― 最後に、日本のリスナーやファンに一言お願いします。

    こんにちは、Four Pensです。日本で僕たちの曲がリリースされることを光栄に思っています。
    僕らのアルバム『One Day』が10/1にリリースされます。僕らがGood MorningとGood Nightを表現するのに2年かけた作品です。
    僕らは中国語で歌いますが、Four Pensは日本のみなさんのすぐそばにいます。僕らのアルバムを気にってくれるといいな。

  • pens33

    ” “New day and New me” was written when we were recording EP2. The lyrics are about that there’s many choices we have to make, and we’ll become someone we decide.
    It exactly match to the topic of EP2 (11:59 p.m.) that after one minute we’ll all get a new day and new me. So that we add this song as bonus.”

    Interview & Translation by Naoki Morikawa (Fastcut Records)

    -How and When was Four Pens formed? All members had been in the same university?

    We all studied in National Taiwan University of Art and we met in the guitar club. We usually hung out together and held some activities in school. Bibo had written many songs before Four Pens was born, and he wanted to form a band to make variety music! So he found other members as his partners in May, 2011,at that time we were all student, and the relationship has been kept until now.

    -Bibo writes Four Pens songs. When did you start making your original music and please tell us about the roots of your music.

    Bibo is the song-writer, he usually writes songs about his life experience or inspiration by stories in books or movies.
    When he was a teenager and played the guitar, he had wrote some songs.

    When he finished, he’ll teach Candace how to sing and find the right key range. Sunny will plus some instruments to rich the songs.That was Four Pens’ old song-making style.
    Recently, Candace is learning bass and Sunny plays synthesizer .With drum session, now we create songs by jam. and that’s a new way for us. It’s kind of difficult but more fun.

    -Four Pens songs are filled with the atmosphere of folky and calm, sometimes painful. Are there any bands in the world which inspired Four Pens? what is the basis of Four Pens music?

    Our music are based on Bibo’s creation. Bibo loves many bands like “of monsters and men” from Iceland, and many Japanese band like “clammbon”,”toe”.”roth bart baron”etc…, Bibo loves songs which feel energic and powerful.But in Four Pens, Sunny and Candace love warm voice like Cheer Chen, Waa Wei etc……whose song feel peace and smooth. So Four Pens combines those two styles. You can feel that in our songs. Maybe it’s a sad song, But there will be a sun in the end of this song. And this is the most important root in our music. Make people better.

    -please tell us about the personality (or lifestyle) of each member?

    Candace: Long-hair girl. Sometimes sporty sometimes quiet. Friendly but afraid of strangers. Love singing
    Bibo: A black and sunshine boy. Love to play basketball and swimming
    Sunny: Short hair girl. Have big smile when she feel happy, Love to walk around.

    -Four Pens visited Japan in February, 2014 and played in Kyoto and Osaka and Tokyo. How was the tour? Are there favorite things which you found in Japan?

    Japan tour in 2014 is an unforgettable memory for us. It’s our first time to have a show in other country.
    It’s very excited to go different places in Japan,we had very short time in each city .
    It’s a fast trip like a dream that we hope we’ll be back someday!
    We had four shows in seven days. It’s an honor to have shows with many talented Japanese artists, and Japanese fans are very nice and sweet. They were concentrated on the show although we sang in Chinese. It’s a huge encouragement for us. Even more, We’re surprised that some Japanese fans prepared gifts for us.

    In this trip, we brought many heavy instruments, so it’s very hard to move quickly to everywhere.
    We also arraged to travel and go shopping in a short time, and wanted to stay for more and more time to shopping and eat ! It’s very lucky and happy to meet some Japanese friends to travel us around cause we can’t speak Japanese. We had the most delicious “Rice and Pork chop” we have never eaten before! and we also saw the first heavy snow!
    We tried our best to play, go shopping, eat in those days!

    At that time our EPs were on the Japanese well-known 蔦屋bookstore. We made a special Japanese version that combine our two EPs for this tour. We set them all in Taiwan. It’s a pleasure to be sold with many gorgeous Taiwanese CDs and popular design books.

    -Your photographer, Puzzleman Leung shot many beautiful pictures with Four Pens. please tell us a little bit about him?

    Puzzleman Leung is Candace and Sunny’s upperclassmen in college. First time having cooperation, we really didn’t know each other. Until now, we are more than the relationship of photographer and models, we are friends. He is usually quiet but humorous inside. At work, he is very serious and persistent in his point of view. Now, He has a studio named “From Pluto Studio” which formed with another designer in Taiwan. We have cooperated with them since our first demo. They are both very talented and it’s been a pleasure to be with them.

    -I noticed young Taiwanese has sensitive feelings about Music, Art, Photography etc. Living in Taipei is exciting when you concentrate on making music? Do you think Taipei is the best place to keep on making music?

    In Taiwan, Taipei, as a capital city,we can easily get the latest news about everything. Also, Taipei has many target live houses, art museums, good exhibitions, featured coffee shops and some hand-made markets for young people. And that makes young people think more and become more creative.
    It’s great to have many chances to play in live houses, so it’s convenient for performer to live in Taipei. It’s also competitive but happy for us because there are so many bands in Taiwan.

    -Japan CD “one day” includes songs from 2 EP “AM 6:57” & “PM 11:59” and a beautiful song “New day and New me”. “AM 6:57″ was originally released in 2012, songs sound innocent joy. and “11:59” was released in 2013, songs sound abyss of sorrow. “New day and New me” has both feeling. looking through 2 EPs and “New day and New me”, How do you think about these works now?

    When discussing EP1, we almost had an idea for time series EPs.We arrange those songs that are suitable for the time in each EP and want to make some positive power for the listeners.

    AM6:57 is a timing that many people get up early to go for work. But why is this specific timing 6:57? Because we combine 6,5,7 these 3 numbers which are our three’s birth month as the early morning symbol.

    PM11:59 is a timing that people are going to lie on the bed and finish a day. It may be the timing that people think many deep things inside and our music is set up as a company to be with the bad thoughts . Four Pens was formed in May 9th 2011 and the numbers are exactly 1159. It’s a funny story about the choice of this timing.

    2 EPs we record in Bibo’s room with very simple record equipment in 2012 and 2013.
    AM6:57’s work is our first time to record. We’re not familiar with record equipment and ask many friends and seniors. The process is very fun and nervous that there can’t be noises in his neighborhood and we can’t turn on the air-condition to make any noises in that hot summer !
    PM11:59 worked faster that we already had an experience. It also have a higher quality than EP1.
    “New day and New me” was written when we were recording EP2. The lyrics are about that there’s many choices we have to make, and we’ll become someone we decide.
    It exactly match to the topic of EP2(11:59 p.m.) that after one minute we’ll all get a new day and new me. So that we add this song as bonus!

    We combine 2EPs and mix a new version for Japanese CD “one day”. The song arrangement is also different .

    -Please tell us the schedule in near future. Is Four Pens making an album now? and I heard that Wallflower will play with Four Pens, Manic Sheep in Taipei in October. Do you like their music?

    We are practicing some new songs and want to be different . Candace is learning bass, while Sunny is learning keyboard and synthesizer. Maybe someday our music can be more plentiful.
    We want to record an album but may be later when we are ready.

    About Wallflower. WE LOVE IT!
    When we listened to their music, we wanna dance!
    Wallflower has a magic make people move their body.
    We can feel happiness and energy in every second.
    We are so excited that we can have a show with them in Taipei.
    Hope our Japanese is good enough to talk to them.

    -Please tell us your favorite place or food, music bands in Taipei. we would love to know some!

    We love to eat delicious food together after practicing and performing.
    If you will come to Taiwan in the future. we greatly suggest “好初早餐”which Bibo works for, and of course night markets which have many types of Taiwanese food and many amusements. You can walk and eat with lots of fun.

    We often hang out at “華山” which has many art exhibition halls, big live houses, coffee shops. We always have fun there. And if you want to visit a records brand shop. You can go to “White Wabbit Records”.It’s a famous records shop for indie music. You can listen many Taiwanese band there. And “海邊的卡夫卡 (Kafuka)” which is a coffee shop built by the leader of band “1976”. This place is a important place of arts in Taipei. And you can have a music live show here, too.
    If you want to buy some gifts, art crafts and souvenir made in Taiwan, you can go to “河邊生活 (Liv’in Riverside)” which is near 永康區 (Yongkang District). Sunny works there and you can find some interesting thing there!

    We love many bands in Taipei, such as, “1976”,”Easy”,”Hush!”,”Wan Fu (旺福)”,”Come on! Bay Bay!”,”Skip Skip Ben Ben”, “Manic Sheep”,”Tizzy Bac”, “Green! Eyes”,”2HRs”,”Mary see the future” etc….too many bands that we can’t tell you all. If you would come, go a live show in Taipei! It’s always enjoyable!

    -At the end, please give a message to Japanese fans

    Hello! We are Four Pens. It’s a pleasure that we can release our songs in Japan.
    Our last tour in Japan was fabulous and unforgettable. Hope we can visit Japan again soon. Our first album “One day” will be released at 1st OCT.This album takes two years for us to describe what good morning and good night are. Although we sing Chinese, we want to convey Four Pens is your good friend who will always be your side. Hope you like our album. See you soon.


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