Vo: Kasumi Hasegawa
Ba: Masami Tsuchiya (Wallflower/Juvenile Juvenile)
[about Other Too Pure Songs…]
Wallflowerの土屋雅巳とヴォーカルの長谷川佳澄が現10代の頃に出会い、その後Nico (Ladyflash)、HAPPY (Post Modern Team)が加入し、slowdiveや初期スーパーカーなどのインディーロックやSarah Recordsに影響をPastel Blueというバンドを結成。
バンドは短い期間に「Younger Saints」「Cerulean」といった名曲を残したが、諸事情により活動を休止することになる。
Pastel Blueメンバーのうち、土屋は他のメンバーを集め、Wallflower(ウォールフラワー)としての活動を開始させる、すぐにThe Pains Of Being Pure At Heartのキップ・バーマンのラブコールを受け、来日公演のサポートを果たし、Alpaca Sports来日公演サポートやManic Sheep主宰の台湾ライブも成功させ、2015年にはNYC Popfest出演を見事果たした。Nico、HAPPYは関西インディー・シーンで勢力的に活動を続けて知られ、長谷川は数年間、ひとりでホームデモを書き溜めていたという。そのデモが昔のバンドメンバーを不思議と引き寄せて新しい音を鳴らすきっかけとなった。長谷川自身が編集したトレイラー映像では、Other Too Pure Songsが音に託した淡い色彩感とPastel Blue時代の残像を垣間みることができる。
Other Too Pure Songs(アザー・トゥー・ピュア・ソングス)はPastel Blueのメンバーが異なるコンセプトの上での2014年の冬に再び集まり結成した新しいバンド。長谷川がギター&ヴォーカルを取り、The PastelsやComet Gain、Tullycraftのようなインディー・ポップに影響を受けた淡く、儚いインディーポップ3曲を収録した『Twiligh e.p.』をfastcutからリリースします。
SoundCloudで先行配信された「These Are The Days I Forgot To Write Down」の新録ヴァージョン、miles apart recordsのクリスマスコンピに収録されたセンチメンタルな「Sometimes Reach For The Stars」、そして新曲の「Sunday」の3曲を収録。ガーリーなジャケットのイラストレーションはmoscow clubの新曲にフィーチャーされ話題となったスウェーデンのAlpaca Sportsのアマンダ・アッカーマンによる書き下ろし、クリア・ピンクヴァイナル仕様となっています。
The dreamy indie pop band, “Other Too Pure Songs” depicted the innocent story like a novel of J.D. Salinger with their indie pop.
The members of the disbanded “Pastel Blue” finally gathered and released the limited 7” (300 copies).
Masami Tsuchiya of “Wallflower” met vocalist Kasumi Hasegawa in their teenage. Then Nico of “Ladyflash” and HAPPY of “Post Modern Team” joined to the group. They formed the band “Pastel Blue” under the influence of the indie rock band, “slowdive” also early “Supercar” and “Sarah Records”.
The band left the masterpieces of “Younger Saints” and “Cerulean” in short period. However, they came to halt their activities for the various reasons.
Masami Tsuchiya gathered other members to start activities as “Wallflower”. Soon he received the favorable offer from Kip Berman of “The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart” and carried out the support for “The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart” Japan tour. They succeeded the support for “Alpaca Sports” Japan tour and also succeeded in the Taiwan Live sponsored by “Manic Sheep”. Furthermore in 2015, they appeared on NYC Popfest spectacularly. Nico and HAPPY became well known as they had continued their energetic activities in Kansai indie scene. On the other hand, Hasegawa is said that she alone had written and stocked her home demonstration songs for several years. Her demonstration songs became the trigger that attracted the former band members and put out the new sound. In the trailer which Hasegawa edited, we can catch a glimpse of the pale color sense which “Other Too Pure Songs” entrusted in their sound and glimpse of the afterimage of their “Pastel Blue” period.
“Other Too Pure Songs” is the new band that the former members of “Pastel Blue” gathered again and formed on the different concept from that of “Pastel Blue” in the winter of 2014. They will release “Twilight e.p.” from Fastcut Records. In “Twilight e.p.”, Hasegawa played guitar and vocal part and three faint and fragile indie pop songs are recorded. These songs are under the influence of the indie pop like The Pastels, Comet Gain or Tullycraft.
New mix of “These Are The Days I Forgot To Write Down” released on SoundCloud in advance, Sentimental song “Sometimes Reach For The Stars” recorded on the Christmas compilation from “Miles Apart Records” and brand new song “Sunday”. These three songs are recorded on the disc. The girly jacket illustration was newly drawn by Amanda Åkerman of Alpaca Sports who had been featured on the new song of moscow club that provided the hot topic. Also the vinyl is clear pink vinyl spec.
FCEP-021 “Twilight e.p.” (2015) [detail]